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- 你可以用优步申请预约,几分钟的专属司机可以来接负载。在任何时候,没有必要预订或排队打车。
- 在应用程序中可以直接比较成本的不同机型,也看到了报价。在此帐户的安全约束信用卡,无需任何现金交易,方便出行。
- 点一个点的地图来方便的设置位置,即使你不知道确切的地址是没有关系的。可以直接联系司机,并在应用程序随时看到你的优步位置。
- 请您放心享受优步五星级的乘坐体验。抵达后,我们将通过电子邮件收据发送给您。


As a passenger :Register/log in
1.Register:phone number verification; register page: after register, create a user ID automatically;
2.log in page:user write email/pass word to log in; verify code to log in(should download safety plug );
3.forgot password function : After click on it, an email will be sent to the user automatically;
Get a car
1.log in to your account on the phone;
2.use GPS in the phone to show passenger’s location, touch screen, the system will automatically notify the nearest vehicle, even if you do not know the full address ;
3.pick up: when passenger make an appointment the vehicle, the driver's seat will be displayed on the map in the application, user can put the phone aside until the driver is about to arrive, system will send SMS to inform, the driver name and information will be displayed in the application, if necessary, they can always call or send SMS to the driver;
4.explicit price: user can check the rates of your city in application, can also enter the location to pick up and drop-off locations to the estimated travel costs;
5.payment: app without using cash, to the destination, the fare will be automatically deducted from credit card - no tip, system will send a receipt ride to user’s e-mailbox; feedback: The driver is not only in line with app standards, but also to meet user’s requirements, at the end of the trip, user can experience the ride reviews, and leave comments on drivers;
7.fare share: app reservation using vehicle can also invite friends sharing fare. when user’s friend accepts the invitation to share the fare from each person's credit card deduction equal, henceforth no longer a question of money owed to a friend;
8.input destination, system show location for pick up place (passenger also can select or input address); car type and departure time, system will calculate show the trip fare approximately;
10.make an order then wait for the driver to answer, show the timing, before driver get this order passenger can cancel this order if needed;
11.driver answered (show driver's profile and car information, link to make a call to driver), wait for the driver to pick user up and get on the car; will show car's real time location, calculate the bus arriving time by X minute;
13.carpool function:two trip orders go to the same way, gps show two passengers' location, driver pick them up, system will plan the optimum route, the passengers will be sent to the specified destination;
14.driver arrive the pick up place and wait, calculate passenger arriving time by X minute;
15.reach the destination driver end this trip, passenger get the bill to view details and pay for it;
Payment, invoice and coupon
1.integrated payment methods interface(bank card, paypal, alipay,etc.), pay the bill which send by the driver; wallet can recharge and withdraw money to pay;
3.invoice, select from trips record, then input invoice details and submit, system will send electronic invoice to user’s mail box; coupon for each trip, must use them before the time limit; coupon has difference, use for different type of cars;
6.system sometimes send user coupons, and user can share a coupon through social platforms after each trip;
7.coin, reward for trip, can exchange some gifts;
1.hide left (when finger slide left to right, account show up);
2.account basic information (name,photo,email,phone,password,etc);
3.reset password and security level;
4.trip records (date,time,start place,destination,trip status), can link to view more details(driver and car information,fare,review,coupon share,complaints,etc.)
5.message, system news and messages;
6.common place site, locations of common use(user can remember the address avoid repeat input);
7.setting (voice,service,help,guide,feedback,law,about us) and log out;
Need help page the texts or pictures of FAQ; button: the customers also can search the questions;
