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SEO orders feedback

The orders after do seo from our company:

Website: http://www.almamewholesale.com/

1.22th,July,2014,US 141 Orders from http://almamewholesale.com

2.2th,July,2014,US 516.08 Orders from http://almamewholesale.com

3. 22th,July,2014,US 141 Orders from http://almamewholesale.com

Website: http://www.almame.com/ 
4. 17th, Feb, 2014, US 53 Orders from http://almame.com 

5. 15th Feb, 2014, US159 orders from http://almame.com

6. 10th Feb, 2014, US207 orders from http://almame.com 

7. 8th Feb, 2014, US179 orders from http://almame.com 

8. 28th Jan, 2014, US55 orders from http://almame.com 

9. 20th January, 2014, US456 orders from http://almame.com 

10. 21th January, 2014, US210 orders from http://almame.com 

11. 14th January, 2014, US77 orders from http://almame.com 

12. 6th January, 2014, US41 orders from http://almame.com

13. 30th December, 2013, US456 orders from http://almame.com

Website: http://vaporzoneokc.com 
14. 12th, December, 2013, US19.95 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/

15. 6th, December, 2013, US21.97 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/

16. 3th, December, 2013, US59.94 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/

17. 26th, November , 2013, US23.94 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/ 

18. 20th, November , 2013, US21.97 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/ 

19. 5th, November , 2013, US19.95 order(s) from http://vaporzoneokc.com/